In the heart of the Piura region in northern Peru, this reforestation project aims to plant 500,000 trees to restore degraded soils and fight against desertification. The planting of forests will limit erosion and provide an additional source of income for the region’s inhabitants.
Launch date: 2019
Species planted:  Cedar cashew, big-leaved mahogany, Andean alder, Humboldt willow, Scots walnut, silver pine, eucalyptus saligna, romerillo
Objectives: restoring the region’s degraded soils and combating desertification through tree planting
Associated partner: Progreso

Objectives of this project: Maintain and expand the habitat of the rainforest to preserve biodiversity. Reforest the land where trees have been cut to maintain the topsoil and prevent erosion. Contribute to the safeguarding the local water source and mitigating the effects of climate change by storing carbon and purifying the air. Educate people to understand how conservation environmental sustainability increases the availability of forest products and helps reduce the dependence behavior towards the Magamba natural reserve for resources forest.

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